Past office Bearer

Dr S C Tiwari President Dr. K Shazi Vice President Dr V G Jhanwar General Secretary Dr. S-P-Gupta Treasurer Dr ...
Dr. K Shazi President Dr Charles Pinto Vice President Dr Purav Mridha General Secretary Dr. S-P-Gupta Treasurer Dr Sanjay Gupta ...
Dr Charles Pinto President Dr Shiv Gautam Vice President Dr Purav Mridha General Secretary Dr. S-P-Gupta Treasurer Dr Sanjay Gupta ...
Dr Shiv Gautam President Dr Indira Sharma Vice President Dr Manaswi Gautam General Secretary Dr. S-P-Gupta Treasurer Dr Sanjay Gupta ...
Dr Indira Sharma President Dr TSS Rao Vice President Dr Alka A Subramanyam General Secretary Dr. S-P-Gupta Treasurer Dr Sandeep ...

Historical Notes:

1st Annual Conference of IAGMH – Year 2005 – Lucknow by Dr. S C Tiwari

20th Annual Conference of IAGMH – Year 2024 (scheduled) – Bengaluru by Dr. P T Sivakumar

The process of formation of IAGMH was started in September 2004 by Prof. S C Tiwari at the department of Geriatric Mental Health, KGMU, Lucknow The Memorandum of Association was prepared & founder members were chosen. Thus IAGMH born in the year 2004 & now it’s 20 years old